
Tag: Personal growth

Personal growth

time investment

Invest Time In Your Strength

Discover how investing time in your strengths can lead to greater success and satisfaction. Learn practical strategies for shifting focus and delegating tasks.

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time to strip!

Time to Strip

Learn the power of stripping away societal expectations and embracing inner wisdom through meditation. Jason Partington, meditation and performance coach, shares insights to empower your journey of self-discovery.

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obstacle is the way

The Obstacle is the Way

The Obstacle is the Way” offers valuable insights that can profoundly impact your approach to life’s challenges. By acknowledging and facing obstacles with courage, shifting your perspective, and reflecting on your experiences, you can turn challenges into opportunities for growth

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plant medicine

Plant Medicine

Discover the benefits and considerations of plant medicine with meditation coach Jason Partington. Learn about psilocybin, ayahuasca, CBD oil, and more. Join our free program, Upgrade, Life Done Better, for a journey of growth and empowerment.

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creative visualisation

Creative Visualisation and Manifestation

My spiritual friends absolutely believe in the concept and the practice of manifestation. Others, more science related friends believe it is not so much about energy and vibration, but rather about just making clear goals and taking steps towards them – more of a clinical approach. Here’s my rundown about how to do the practice, plus also viewpoint on whether it works or whether its just spiritual ‘wishing’.

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i miss you

I Miss You

I want to share an experience that profoundly impacted me, hoping it resonates with you too. Recently, during a meditation session, I encountered a message that struck deep: “I miss you.”

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be - do - have

Be Do Have

I want to delve into a concept that has profoundly influenced my journey and could potentially transform yours as well: the Be-Do-Have model. This principle, championed by motivational giants like Tony Robbins and Steven Covey, is about rethinking how we approach success and fulfillment.

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