
coaching, education & experiences


random tech injury

Random Tech Injury

A funny and crazy true story about a random technology injury and how you can prevent it through mindful tech usage. Learn practical tips to keep yourself safe from incidental harm of everyday consumer technology.

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cup of tea life lesson

Life Lessons from a Cup of Tea

Discover the profound life lessons embedded in the simple act of drinking tea. Meditation and performance coach Jason Partington shares insights on mindfulness, gratitude, and the power of thoughtful gifts.

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University Meditation Challenge

Setting a Mindfulness Alert

Enhance mindfulness with this simple tip: Set Mindfulness Alerts to pause, breathe, and engage senses. Unlock true potential by anchoring in the present moment.

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How Much Do I Meditate?

My internal dialogue completely changes, transformation happens when meditating up to twice a day, a dramatic difference from meditating once a day

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