
Tag: empowerment


creative visualisation

Creative Visualisation and Manifestation

My spiritual friends absolutely believe in the concept and the practice of manifestation. Others, more science related friends believe it is not so much about energy and vibration, but rather about just making clear goals and taking steps towards them – more of a clinical approach. Here’s my rundown about how to do the practice, plus also viewpoint on whether it works or whether its just spiritual ‘wishing’.

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be - do - have

Be Do Have

I want to delve into a concept that has profoundly influenced my journey and could potentially transform yours as well: the Be-Do-Have model. This principle, championed by motivational giants like Tony Robbins and Steven Covey, is about rethinking how we approach success and fulfillment.

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Friendships are one of the most precious gifts life has to offer. As a meditation and performance coach, I’ve seen firsthand how meaningful connections can light up our lives and support us through thick and thin.

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In the bustling chaos of modern life, many of us find ourselves on a quest for purpose. We seek fulfillment beyond the mundane routine of daily existence, yearning to uncover the deeper meaning of our existence.

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a statement with impact

Statement with Impact

Unlocking Your Full Potential: Embracing the Power of Presence. I want to share with you a transformative concept that has revolutionised my approach to life and work: the power of presence.

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be black or white not grey

Be Black Or White Not Grey

Amidst the whirlwind of today’s fast-paced world, where decisive action is paramount, achieving clarity amidst the commotion can often feel like a daunting task.

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